how to do manicure with minimum things at home diy

Manicure at home with scare things

Follow these important steps to give your self a manicure like a professional saloon These are    essential steps to follow either you are busy or can 't visit  a saloon .Manicure is related to the 
care of  the  hands. In daily routine we use our hands continuously again and again that 's why our hands got ruffed .To compliment the beauty of  our face it is an essential fact to make our hands glower .
Here are  some steps which will help you to get glow like saloon quality

Remove current nail polish

position your arm on a flat surface now you have need for the tools so also place the tools with you
make sure that the all  tools are protected from germs remove your current nail polish with a nail polish remover The remover of high quality is recommended cheap nail remover will only make your nail spoiled and thin.

Buff your nails

afterward buff your nails very well and shorten the nails from all sides make your nails even with a buffer it would be suitable for the growth or the re growth of your nails with a clean buffer one can buff their nails  and i think that it is most important step of the manicure because when your nails are not even you can't take the advantage of beautiful nails  to find out the attractive nails

Make the shape of your nails with buffer

make the perfect shape of your own choice 
but i like the round shape very much that' s why if i would be at your place i will choose round shape

cuticle remover

apply cuticle remover apply this step  with a cuticle remover do your cuticle far away from your nails and make your nails fresh in looking.

Moisturize your hands                                                                         

now moisturize your hand with a great moisturizer which will give soft texture to the hands and will lock the moist in your dry hands

Apply nail paint 

now apply your favorite color nail paint to your nails that will give you so shiny and beautiful look by your hand for complimenting the beauty of the face and body 

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